Resultados da pesquisa por Upload

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
581 resultados

Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Upload time or time upload?.

@takatanagisa I made the video file smaller to reduce the upload time. The upload time was so lo...
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Qual é a diferença entre Download e Upload ?

You download something from the internet onto your computer so that you can use it whenever you want You upload something from your computer onto the internet so that other people can see or use it.
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Qual é a diferença entre Download e Upload ?

Download and Upload are antonyms: Download: to copy programs or information to a computer, usually over the Internet Upload: to copy or move programs or information to a larger computer system or t...
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Qual é a diferença entre Upload, download e install ?

Upload: To put a file on the internet. Download: To receive a file from the internet. Install: To make a file useable on your computer. When you're getting a game for example, you have to download...
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Qual é a diferença entre Download e Upload e Install ?

1.I'm downloading some music to my phone. 2. you can upload some files from your phone to e.g. your friend's phone 3. you can install an app (.eg. Instagram) to your phone
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Qual é a diferença entre Upload load e unload download ?

Uploading is when you add a file to something like "uploading" a picture on a social media site, while downloading is adding it to your device, like "downloading" a file for work onto your computer...
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O que significa upload ?

@Harumigarcia: subir Como subir un video a YouTube
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Qual é a diferença entre upload something to e upload something on ?

No difference for most cases! I uploaded my pictures to Instagram I uploaded my pictures on Instagram both are correct, but "on Instagram" is probably a little more common and natural. If someon...
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Upload y download

Upload and download
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hi, what's the difference between 'upload to YouTube' and 'upload on YouTube'?

Same meaning !
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