Resultados da pesquisa por Unnatural

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
Não natural
4.097 resultados


@Sierra-Beta Well, since this appears to be a mobile app, you don't need, and shouldn't use, complete sentences with perfect grammar. The fewer the characters the better in order to make it more us...
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Qual é a diferença entre Unnatural e Awkward ?

Awkward is behaviour that is unseemly or makes people feel uncomfortable. Unnatural describes something that seems either difficult to believe or fake. Awkward: "I called her yesterday, but sh...
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Qual é a diferença entre Unnatural e Not natural ?

They’re the same thing, one is one word and a bit more sophisticated while the other is two words...
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What's the difference?

It's a little unnatural
It's a bit unnatural
It's a little bit unnatural

the same
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O que significa unnatural?

not natural
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O que significa unnatural causes?

変死と思います 文脈は?
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O que significa a little unnatural?

A little unnatural - not natural at all
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O que significa natural or unnatural ?

@laventer Dalam artl Hinative? Natural - sesuatu yang dikatakan orang asli Unnatural - sesuatu yang terdengar aneh
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If unnatural a little unnatural, please tell me ! Thank you

Excellent pronunciation
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Qual é a diferença entre vote "unnatural" on HiNative e vote for "unnatural" on HiNative ?

when I hear "vote for" I think of political candidates, or laws. "vote" makes me think of a poll, or something like here.
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