Resultados da pesquisa por Tactful

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
70 resultados

Qual é a diferença entre Tactful e Discreet ?

They are very close. Tactful is used often when you have to say or do something that might offend someone and you figure out a way to do it where they take the least offense possible. For example, ...
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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Tactful.

His expression is very tactful. He tactfully finished the job. It's an adjective which means skillful.
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Qual é a diferença entre Considerate e Delicate
e Tactful ?

Considerate means to think about other peoples feelings before acting. Delicate means fragile. Tactful means doing something in a moral and decent manner.
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Tactful, astute and agile person mean at positive?

Yes, those are some good qualities but it always depends on if those qualities are being used for good or bad reasons
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Qual é a diferença entre tactful e tactles ?

Tactful: khéo léo =(thoughful) Tactless :ko khéo =(rude)
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Qual é a diferença entre diplomatic e tactful ?

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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com tactful .

@Nana0820: when we visit your aunt, be tactful and don't mention her recent divorce
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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com tactful.

He does it in a very tactful manner. John was tactful enough to quit., Was there a more tactful way to say that?
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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com tactful .

The enemey team tactfully invaded our base of operations within the cover of night
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