Resultados da pesquisa por Restocked

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
23 resultados

O que significa Restocked?

It means a store or seller received more of an item that was sold out and can sell it again.
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O que significa The park was restocked and effective law enforcement was introduced.?

that's odly specific but it means that the park was supplied again and good rules/laws/officers were new at the park. there's not allot of context so it's hard to understand
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? When the product that you really wanna get is out of stock so you are asking company when the pro...

A more natural & grammatically correct way to say it: The product that you really want to get is ...
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O que significa restocking?

Getting more of something. Usually used in stores if they run out of products on the shelf, so t...
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O que significa restocking the supply shelves?

Replace goods that have been sold or used with a new supply
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Qual é a diferença entre stock e restock ?

"Restock" implies that it was stocked at least once before now. "Stock" doesn't imply that, so you can use it for things that have never been stocked, too.
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Qual é a diferença entre you should restock your cleaning supplies. e You might want to restock your cleaning supplies. ?

“Might want to” is softer than “should.” If you are below someone (like an employee speaking to a...
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar restock.

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It is going to take a long time to restock

Is sounds natural?

yes. but the question would be “does it sound natural?”
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Qual é a diferença entre replenish (in retail) e restock (in retail) ?

There is a very very small difference in nuance, but both words mean the exact same thing —> to r...
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