Resultados da pesquisa por Platitude

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
29 resultados

O que significa Platitude?

An expression that's overused, basically. Blondes have more fun. Age is just a number. Honesty is the best policy.
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O que significa Platitude?

A platitude is a statement that's usually intended to address a moral issue. Platitudes are almost meaningless because they aren't insightful at all and don't do enough to address the issue or move...
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O que significa platitude ?

A stupid or shallow phrase that is used over and over again. E.g., "Just be yourself", "When you smile, the world smiles back", "It is what it is".
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O que significa platitude ?

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Qual é a diferença entre platitude e cliche ?

A platitude is something said insincerely to calm or comfort someone. It sounds nice but really it is meaningless. A cliche is something that has been used too much in art and culture, so it no lon...
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Qual é a diferença entre cliche e commonplace e platitude ?

Cliche is like something (a phrase, an idea) that is overused. For example "The movie was okay but the ending where everything turned out to be a dream was kind of cliche." Cliche has a kind of ne...
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Qual é a diferença entre banal e cliche e platitude ?

Banal: lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. "Songs with banal, repeated words". Platitude: a remark or statement, commonly of moral content, that has been used too often to be inter...
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Does this sound natural?
I was tired of the platitude 'Be yourself'.

Yes, that sounds natural.
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What does "platitude" mean? Can you please give me some examples?

@Marcus_Klinger It is a little bit difficult to describe – the best explanation I ever heard of...
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You have my deepest _____. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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