Resultados da pesquisa por North

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
1.354 resultados

O que significa North ?

North is a direction. Like east, west, and south.
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Qual é a diferença entre the North Korean e the North Koreans ?

@sundal North Korean is an adjective used to describe a person, place or thing. North Koreans refers to the people. Examples: This is a North Korean business. North Koreans are not used to ...
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O que significa North West?

In the direction between north and west (NW)
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Qual é a diferença entre "North America people" e "North America's people" ?

I've never heard the phrase "North America people". "North American people" would refer to people from North America. "North America's people" would refer to all the people in North America.
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O que significa 'by' in North by Northwest?

In between north and northwest, a north-northwest direction
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Why “the” is lowercase,
but “North Pole” has capital letters?

“the North Pole”

It is strange to me too.
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Does this sound natural: "West Virginia is more to the north than North Carolina."

It’s correct, but sounds weird. I would say “West Virginia is north of North Carolina”
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What the difference between “North pole” and ”arctic”??
Santa is in “North Pole” ,right?

North Pole = where Santa is; the northernmost point on Earth Artic = region around the North Pole which includes the Arctic Ocean, adjacent seas, and parts of Alaska, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, ...
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O que significa at the North end of Pooh?

In this part of the book, Pooh is stuck halfway through the entrance to Rabbit's home. Therefore,...
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North* and Wet* Pronunciation

North - The first one West -The second one
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