Resultados da pesquisa por Mooch

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
91 resultados

O que significa Mooch?

Someone that takes advantage of a person and never does anything for them they just take and never give back
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O que significa Mooch?

Asking for something without paying for it.
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O que significa Mooch?

To take advantage of someone or their money/food/items
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O que significa Mooch ?

@sabrinamiranda No that's not correct. You're thinking of the word "munch", which means to eat. If you mooched some butterfingers off of someone, it would be like you stealing them or trying to g...
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O que significa Moocher or Mooch?

a person who lives off of others without giving anything in return.
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O que significa Mooch off?

"Mooch off" is a colloquial expression that means to take advantage of someone else's generosity or resources without contributing anything in return. It is often used to describe someone who freel...
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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Mooch.

He makes his girlfriend pay for everything. He’s such a mooch. They still live with their paren...
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O que significa mooch?

a mooch is someone who asks or gets something without paying for it. it doesn't mean thief, it's like that friend that always asks for food/money/etc.
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What does “Mooch off a meal” mean?

It means you eat food but you don't pay for it.
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O que significa mooch around ?

to move around slowly without any purpose and doing very little
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