Resultados da pesquisa por Individuality

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
1.468 resultados

Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Individuality

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Does this sound natural?
Individuality is not something that you acquire, but something that bec...

Yes! It's kind of an interesting quote, too.
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Qual é a diferença entre individuality e individualism ?

We usually say individuality when we talk about one person We usually use individualism when we talk about populations (Ex US population)
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1)individuality improve
2)flourishing of individuality
3)enhancement of individuality
which one ...

@M12D I need more context, like the full sentence. But #1 sounds wrong. 2 and 3 sound good.
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Qual é a diferença entre It will cultivate everyone's individuality. e It will hone everyone's individuality. ?

"Cultivate" is the more natural choice here. "Hone" means the same thing as "sharpen," both literally and metaphorically. Individuality isn't really something that is sharpened. "Cultivate," on the...
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O que significa Make friends with “individuality”?

Individuality is what makes you unique. For example trying a something that no one else has done. Basically being your own person.
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Qual é a diferença entre "Totally unoriginal; devoid of individuality" e "Totally unoriginal; devoided of individuality" ?

“Devoid of individuality” is proper grammar in this case.
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Qual é a diferença entre personality e individuality ?

Someone's Personality is the qualities they have. For example : someone likes to joke around a lot they'd have a funny personality. Individuality is what makes you unique. For example trying a so...
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Qual é a diferença entre individuality e personality ?

individuality is what makes you different from other people and personality is how you act
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