Resultados da pesquisa por Graphic

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
227 resultados

O que significa Graphic language ?

Descriptive language that could be offensive.
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O que significa Graphic language ?

It warns that the text the reader is about to read is inappropriate. That could be swear words, sensitive subjects or both.
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O que significa Graphic language ?

language that people could find offensive. maybe swearing/cursing, sexual language, etc.
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Qual é a diferença entre Graphic novel e Comic ?

Comics is the general term for the medium. A graphic novel is a story told through comics that fills an entire book.
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Graphic Designer

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O que significa graphic ?

It has two definitions. One that if something's too graphic, it can be too mature, gore, disturbing to see. Or graphics from computer imagery.
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O que significa graphic design?

Yes, web design means building either the code or layout for a website (or both). Graphic design is much more broad, but usually means designing images (such as logos or vector icons), but some peo...
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"graphic creations" or "graphical creations"??

People in English usually say "graphical creations" but I've heard "graphic creations" a few times. I guess it depends on the context.
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Is National Graphic an easy-to-read site for native speakers?

I don’t know if I’ll call it that, but I have no problems reading National Geographic articles.
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Warning: graphic video.

What does the word "graphic" mean here?

It indicates that the video has either violent footage or inappropriate content.
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