Resultados da pesquisa por Glacier

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Translation from Castelhano (México)
54 resultados

Qual é a diferença entre Glacier e Glaciation ?

In simple terms. A glacier is a huge block of ice. Glaciation is the formation process of a glacier.
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Qual é a diferença entre ice e Glacier ?

Ice is frozen water, in any amount and any size. A glacier is a very large block of ice that floats in the ocean. Although it forms in the ocean, a glacier is made of fresh water and is safe to drink.
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Qual é a diferença entre Iceberg e Glacier ?

Icebergs and glaciers both are huge masses of snow that have been accumulated over time through natural processes, but they differ in form, structure, and the way they are formed. Glaciers form thr...
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Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar Glacier .

This word is pronounced differently in British English and American English. You can listen to the pronunciation on the Oxford Learner's Dictionary. Click on the blue bit for the British pronunciat...
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O que significa glacier?

A frozen river, they move but very slowly. Some are gigantic and can break the rock of the mountains they travel through.
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O que significa glacier?

gleccser jégmező Ice that flows downhill like a river
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O que significa towering glacier?

An extremely tall glacier
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O que significa go climb a glacier?

a glacier is like a big mountain of ice (usually found in arctic regions). To climb it means use ropes and special tools to get to the top.
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O que significa scientists install a weather station at 5600m on Yala Glacier in Nepal's Himalayas.?

The scientists built a weather station on the mountains in Nepal. Yala Glacier is probably a mountain in the Himalayas.
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Qual é a diferença entre glacier e iceberg ?

Honestly, they are very similar words, and you can usually use them in the same way. But, glacier...
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