Resultados da pesquisa por Deep

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
1.910 resultados

O que significa Deep?

Hondo o profundo.
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Qual é a diferença entre Deep inside e Deep down ?

There's really no difference if you mean deep inside your heart. You can also combine them: deep down inside... I knew she loved me deep down inside, but I had to leave.
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O que significa Deep?

deep has the same meaning as depth which we use to show whats the deepness of for example :- how deep is this well you can also relate it with depth of your feeling , the meaning of words change s...
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O que significa Deep?

It means something being far down like a hole but not always used to describe an object or place ...
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O que significa Deep?

It can mean far underwater or something with a lot of meaning. Also a hole that goes far. Basical...
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O que significa Deep down, I know you love me really
deep down?

It means the person loves you although they may show it on the surface. For example, they may not tell you they love you, or may not want to admit it, or may not seem happy to see you, or may figh...
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O que significa Hundred deep, 100 deep ?

I need more context.
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Deep dive research, deep dive discussion, sounds natural?

A “deep dive discussion” sounds natural. A “through research” flows better than a deep dive resea...
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O que significa Deep down ?

Deep down in my most private and true thoughts and feelings, the thoughts and feelings that I som...
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O que significa Deep down?

"Deep down" means "deep in our hearts" or "deep in our minds" We didn't want to believe it (in our surface thoughts) but we actually knew she was right." You can just translate it as "actually " ...
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