Resultados da pesquisa por Cube

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
156 resultados

O que significa Cube root?

The cube root of 8 is 2. It’s the opposite of 2 cubed — 2^3 = 2*2*2 = 8 Cube means exponent 3. S...
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O que significa Cube-dweller?

Someone who works in a cubicle.
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Qual é a diferença entre A cube has six surfaces. e Cube has six surfaces. ?

They mean the same thing. But, “A cube has six surfaces” is grammatically correct. “Cube has ...
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O que significa cube?

a shape
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O que significa ice cube?

A cube made of ice, frozen water. Ice Cube is also the stage name of a rapper, writer, and actor.
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I usually take a cube of sugar in tea or coffee.
Is it okay to say "a cube of sugar" or is it bet...

it better to say "sugar cubes or two sugar cubes" (if you are literally using sugar cubes) but if you are using spoons say "two spoons of sugar"
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Qual é a diferença entre There is a cube on the table. e That is a cube on the table. ?

There is a cube on the table 机の上にキューブがあります。 That is a cube on the table 机においてあるそれは、キューブです。
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Qual é a diferença entre He's heading to that cube. e He's heading for that cube. ?

"he's heading to that cube" would imply that someone asked where they are going and your reply would be "he's heading to that cube" "he's heading for that cube" would mean that it is in a more dra...
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I eat a cube of cheese.

What does ”a cube of” mean in this sentence?

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Mostra-me frases de exemplo com A Cube Of....

I put a cube of ice in my water.
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