Resultados da pesquisa por Complaint

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
436 resultados

Qual é a diferença entre Complain e Complaint ?

A complaint is typically something that's given to an establishment (store / company) to review bad service, etc. To complain is doing the act of complaining, whether a complaint is filed or not. ...
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Qual é a diferença entre Complaint e Report ?

Report is a general term that can be used to describe any spoken or written account of something that was seen, heard, done or investigated. For example, a child may be asked to write a book report...
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "complaint"

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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? complaint

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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? complaint

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O que significa complaint ?

Someone who is disappointed or frustrated with something, or someone, gives a 'complaint'. For example: A mom goes to her child's school to give a complaint, she says the school doesn't take bullyi...
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O que significa complaint ?

Something that not satisfied
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O que significa a complaint ?

It is when you are upset with something and go to someone about it. For example: My waiter was very rude and not helpful so I sent a complaint to the manager. I went to my boss with a complaint abo...
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O que significa abridged complaint?

To abridge something means to make it shorter by only giving the essential details. An "abridged complaint letter" (not an "abridged complaint") is an abridged letter of complaint. In other w...
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O que significa chief complaint ?

"Complaint" is an objection to something that you don't like or with which you are uncomfortable. "Chief" can mean a leader of a Native American tribe. In this case, it is an adjective that mean...
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