Resultados da pesquisa por Colocation

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
287 resultados

Qual é a diferença entre phrasal verbs e colocation ?

Phrasal verbs are a verb combined with a preposition. The verb alone has a meaning and the phrasal verb has a different meaning. One verb can make many phrasal verbs, and each one has a different m...
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? comment dit on colocation

Colocation = flatsharing Je ne pense pas que beaucoup d'anglais utilisent ou même connaissent ce...
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Justice League - why isn't this colocation written as "League of Justice"? Where is the "of"?

@MistahBrightside It’s probably a matter of the way it sounds when spoken aloud. “Justice Leagu...
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "Colocation". I think it's the same in English but I want to be sure sounds natural ! it's also c...

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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Do you say "a plumb lie"? If you don't use this colocation, please tell me some words to say like...

‘That’s a complete and total lie.’ ‘You’re lying through your teeth.’ ‘I don’t believe a word y...
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shield and sword

This expression / word colocation goes in this particular order in Russian an...

I would most likely say "sword and shield" but it is not a rule. It would be fine to say it either way.
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O que significa What does UP mean in these colocations? May I just throw UPs away without losing the meaning??

Sometimes, "up" changes the meaning, and sometimes it doesn't. "Pull" is literally just pulling something in your direction, but "pull up" is the act of parking your car. "Serve" and "serve up" hav...
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? colocou

@manga_de_chocolate put
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What are some common colocations that you native speakers usually use ?
Please show me some spec...

Collocations "Strong coffee" "Heavy drinker" "Limp wristed" "Big surprise" "Desk job" "Piss poor" "Saving time" "Feel free" "Fully Aware" "Natural beauty"
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Gostei da foto que você colocou no seu perfil.

I liked your profile photo./I liked the photo you put up on your profile.
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