Resultados da pesquisa por By

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
55.241 resultados

O que significa drop by, come by, pass by, stop by?

Drop by, stop by, and come by = to visit (visitar). Pass by = to pass without noticing something (pasar sin notar algo) or simply to pass (o simplemente para pasar).
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O que significa by the by?

Do you have an example or some context?
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O que significa by and by?

Eventually, as time goes by, someday...
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O que significa by and by?

by and by means after a while or over a period of time
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O que significa by and by ?

It's an expression meaning eventually, in the future. Here's a good article explaining the meaning and the origins of "by and by", as well as another phrase "by the by". Hope it helps :) http://gra...
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O que significa By the by,....?

@murao72hitoro It’s just a sassy way to say “by the way“
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O que significa "By the by"?

"By the by" is another way to say "By the way" implying you have more information that you want the other person to know. "Oh and, by the by, you can't have cats there."
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O que significa by croock/by hook?

it basically means getting what you want any way you can, good or bad.
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O que significa by hook, by crook?

by any possible means.
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O que significa swing by swing by?

"Swing by" means "visit briefly when it is convenient." "Feel free to swing by my house if you are in New York." "Can I swing by your house on my way back from work?"
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