Resultados da pesquisa por Ball

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Translation from Inglês (EUA)
2.512 resultados

O que significa “Ball hard”, “Balling”?

Ok it really sound suspicious 😳
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O que significa Ball and chain. Am I wear a ball and chain? 😅?

A ball and chain are associated with prisoners. The chain locks around a prisoner's feet, while the ball is a heavy weight that holds them down. If someone asks, "Am I wearing a ball and chain?" th...
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O que significa see the ball be the ball ?

"Su significado metafórico es que una persona debe verse a sí misma como la persona que quiere se...
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O que significa A ball rolled into the ball suddenly?

it means that a ball quickly entered another ball. that's what i think it is.
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O que significa Ball up ?

To shape something like a ball. Example:
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O que significa Ball out?

To ball someone out means to scold them or correct them for doing something wrong or bad. To yell at them for being bad. I got balled out by my father because I broke the window. I better not get ...
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O que significa Ball & Chain?

@paok00 Literally it refers to an iron ball and chain that used to be used on prisoners in the old days. Figuratively it's old slang to refer to a wife who is a drag on her husband's enjoyment of l...
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O que significa “Ball game”?

I’ve never watched Grey’s Anatomy, but I’d assume they are talking about a baseball game. Somet...
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O que significa Ball game?

“Ball game” typically refers to a baseball game in America
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O que significa Ball gowns?

@tanyarazlivalova A ball was a (usually) fancy party in the 18th and 19th centuries. So, a ball...
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