Atualizado em
18 jul 2016

  • Japonês
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Castelhano (Espanha)
  • Inglês (RU)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Qual é a diferença entre promote e advance ?Podes indicar apenas respostas exemplo.

This research has done much to "advance" our understanding of language learning.
Bonus payments to staff serve to "promote" commitment to the company.

What's the difference between "advance" in the first sentence above:This research...and "promote" in the second sentence above:Bonus the meanings or what they imply?Or which is more formal?

In Oxford dictinary,
I got the example sentence from where one of "advance"'s meaning is written
this way;[intransitive,transitive]if knowledge, technology, etc. advances, it develops and improves.

I got the example sentence from where one of "advance"'s meaning is written this way;to help something to happen or develop

It seems that ,in this situation,advance has "help" in its meaning ,which promote doesn't.
Thus,it means that if I advance something,at least something has been developed and I would help it to develop more.If I promote something,something hasn't developed yet and I would develop it.

Do I understand corretly?
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  • Inglês (EUA)

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  • Inglês (EUA)

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Qual é a diferença entre promote e advance ?
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