Atualizado em
14 jan 2018

  • Coreano
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Guarani
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

* The man (who is) angry is my father.

I was taught that I cannot reduce "who is" in the sentence. But, I don't understand why it does not make sense without "who is". To me, "The man angry is my father." looks fine enough to get it what the sentence means without any problems. I want to know a cogent reason why it does not make sense.

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  • Coreano

  • Inglês (EUA)
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  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Coreano

  • Inglês (EUA)
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  • Coreano

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* The man (who is) angry is my father.

I was taught that I cannot reduce "who is" in the sentence. But, I don't understand why it does not make sense without "who is". To me, "The man angry is my father." looks fine enough to get it what the sentence means without any problems. I want to know a cogent reason why it does not make sense.
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