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18 dez 2017

Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate prepositions.

1) They will return ______ sunset.
A) for
B) at
C) on
D) with

2) His mother died ________ cholera.
A) before
B) of
C) with
D) on

3) I write _________ a pen.
A) after
B) on
C) at
D) with

4) Would you prefer to work _______ a factory or a farm.
A) besides
B) with
C) in
D) at

5) The Prime Minister lives ________ Chestnut Avenue.
A) before
B) at
C) with
D) on

Also give reasons why it is correct.
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  • Inglês (EUA)
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Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate prepositions.

1) They will return ______ sunset.
A) for
B) at
C) on
D) with

2) His mother died ________ cholera.
A) before
B) of
C) with
D) on

3) I write _________ a pen.
A) after
B) on
C) at
D) with

4) Would you prefer to work _______ a factory or a farm.
A) besides
B) with
C) in
D) at

5) The Prime Minister lives ________ Chestnut Avenue.
A) before
B) at
C) with
D) on
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