Atualizado em
6 mai 2017

  • Castelhano (Espanha)
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Coreano
Pergunta sobre Coreano

고마워요 is less formal than 고맙습니다 so can we use 감사해요 instead of 감사합니다?
I have not seen 감사해요 a lot and I don't know if it is correct and if it is more or less polite tan 고마워 or it is the same. Thank you!

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  • Coreano

  • Castelhano (Espanha)
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고마워요 is less formal than 고맙습니다 so can we use 감사해요 instead of 감사합니다?
I have not seen 감사해요 a lot and I don't know if it is correct and if it is more or less polite tan 고마워 or it is the same. Thank you!
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