Atualizado em
25 abr 2017

  • Castelhano (Espanha)
  • Inglês (RU) Quase Fluente
  • Francês (França)
  • Grego
  • Japonês
Pergunta sobre Inglês (RU)

Please choose which one sounds more natural:
A) I do really need to know how this is gonna end.
B) I do really need to know how is gonna end this.
C) I really need to know how (and A or B end).

About a chapter you've just finished but it ended up in the middle of a twist plot.

Thank you.
[Notícias] Ei você! Aquele que está aprendendo um idioma!

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Please choose which one sounds more natural:
A) I do really need to know how this is gonna end.
B) I do really need to know how is gonna end this.
C) I really need to know how (and A or B end).
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