Atualizado em
9 jan 2016

  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Coreano
Pergunta sobre Coreano

When saying "Friend is not Korean" or something along those lines, why do you say 친구는 instead of 친구가? Isn't "friend" the subject and "Korean" the topic? Furthermore, aren't you describing the friend as Korean, so wouldn't 친구가 be more appropriate? Thanks! :) Korean is so much fun!

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  • Coreano

  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Coreano
[Notícias] Ei você! Aquele que está aprendendo um idioma!

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When saying "Friend is not Korean" or something along those lines, why do you say 친구는 instead of 친구가? Isn't "friend" the subject and "Korean" the topic? Furthermore, aren't you describing the friend as Korean, so wouldn't 친구가 be more appropriate? Thanks! :) Korean is so much fun!
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