Atualizado em
29 jan 2023

  • Turco Quase Fluente
  • Turco
  • Curdo
  • Francês (França)
Pergunta sobre Turco

Como é que se diz isto em Turco? İ decided to come when the weather is getting hotter so i don’t freeze while i’m outside and because of work. The date will be from 25. Mai for probably 3 weeks and we stay at divan hotel or at a friends house if it is available.

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  • Turco

  • Turco Quase Fluente
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Como é que se diz isto em Turco? İ decided to come when the weather is getting hotter so i don’t freeze while i’m outside and because of work. The date will be from 25. Mai for probably 3 weeks and we stay at divan hotel or at a friends house if it is available.
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