Atualizado em
29 jan 2023

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Pergunta sobre Russo

Como é que se diz isto em Russo? Пожалуйста, переведите приведенные ниже предложения в вежливой форме.
Please translate the sentences below in a polite way.

1. I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a phone call for you.
2.Sorry to interrupt, but somebody's looking for you, Tom. He’s a tall blonde guy, and he's standing at the gate right now waiting for you.
3. Sorry to bother you, but would you mind moving your bag?
4. Could you translate your question into Russian? There's something I'd like to clarify.
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  • Russo

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  • Russo
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Como é que se diz isto em Russo? Пожалуйста, переведите приведенные ниже предложения в вежливой форме.
Please translate the sentences below in a polite way.
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