Atualizado em
4 fev 2022

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Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Qual é a diferença entre varietal e various ?Podes indicar apenas respostas exemplo.

"An ideal romantic daytime date might be to pack a blanket and take your lady to Old Town Silverdale. Settled in 1854, this beautiful little town port offers varietal amenities — the Kitsap Mall, movie theatres, and a variety of nice restaurants."

"Green Mountain Orchards is in Putney, Vermont...a lovely little quirky hamlet with such varietal attractions as the bizarre Santa’s Land and the cult favorite the Putney Diner...not to mention the thoroughly awesome Putney Co-op."

"In this season of giving thanks, we want to extend a giant thank you to all of our volunteers who have expressed interest in helping with our varietal activities this year!"
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Qual é a diferença entre varietal e various ?
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