Atualizado em
12 dez 2021

  • Russo
  • Inglês (EUA)
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Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Hello! Could you say, please, how does it sound to you?

1) I missed a math lesson somehow
2) Obviously, she was disappointed about the competition results / Obviously, she was disappointed about the results of the competitions

3) He’s proud of himself greatly / He’s very proud of himself
4) This event greatly influenced me
5) It looks like an accident ahead
6) He reacted to this remark very strangely / He reacted very strangely to this remark ​
8) He very differed from his brothers and sisters / He was very different from his brothers and sister
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  • Inglês (RU)
  • Inglês (EUA)
[Notícias] Ei você! Aquele que está aprendendo um idioma!

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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Hello! Could you say, please, how does it sound to you?

1) I missed a math lesson somehow
2) Obviously, she was disappointed about the competition results / Obviously, she was disappointed about the results of the competitions
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