Atualizado em
25 set 2021

  • Japonês
  • Inglês (EUA)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Please correct my self-introduction.

I moved to Osaka for work.
I've lived here for five years.

I’m a nurse.
I work in one of the largest hospitals in Osaka.
That hospital can admit up to about 1,000 people.

My job is an irregular one, with day and night shifts.
I'm in the hospital for over 17 hours when I work the night shift.
I always work with a sense of urgency because my work is related to people's lives.
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  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Castelhano (México) Quase Fluente

  • Japonês
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Please correct my self-introduction.

I moved to Osaka for work.
I've lived here for five years.

I’m a nurse.
I work in one of the largest hospitals in Osaka.
That hospital can admit up to about 1,000 people.
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