Atualizado em
10 jul 2021

  • Japonês
  • Inglês (EUA)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)


I fully agree with the idea that person who downloads music or movies illegally should be punished.

In my opinion, illegal downloading is nothing but a crime and to be condemned for many reasons.

First of all, illegal download is morally wrong. There is no respect for the artists who made their works. What is more, as I mentioned above, it is not exaggerating to say such an act is a kind of a theft. It is self-evident that anyone downloading music or movies without the permission of the copyright holder is equivalent to breaking existing copyright laws.

I cannot see the differences between stealing someone’s camera and illegally downloading movies.

Secondly, illegal downloading causes many economic loses to creators. Needless to say, many of the potential sales are lost due to internet piracy.

The entertainment companies are especially vulnerable to illegal downloading. Because illegal downloading does not affect rich artists but it hurts the average workers as well.

It is no wonder illegal downloading has become a significant threat to the entertainment industry. (174)

Last, illegal downloading reduces the incentive to engage in creative activity. When artists cannot effectively protect what they have created, they earn less.

As a result, illegal downloading reduces the incentive to produce new arts.

Thus, the depriving society will deprive the truly gifted artists from the society.

Upon taking above points into consideration, it is evident that punishing people for downloading music and movies illegally is desirable and urge
soa natural?

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  • Inglês (EUA)
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