Atualizado em
19 mar 2021

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Pergunta sobre Inglês (RU)

Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? レストランやファストフード店で注文する際、どのように言ったらスマートですか?
How and what should I say to order at restaurant or hamburger shop?

I often say "Can I have @@@, please?" but I feel it's something not enough intelligent.

Please tell me how and what do you say when you order?

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  • Inglês (RU)

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  • Inglês (RU)

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  • Inglês (RU)
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? レストランやファストフード店で注文する際、どのように言ったらスマートですか?
How and what should I say to order at restaurant or hamburger shop?

I often say "Can I have @@@, please?" but I feel it's something not enough intelligent. 

Please tell me how and what do you say when you order?
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