Atualizado em
29 ago 2015

  • Coreano
  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Inglês (RU)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

When outlaws get the bomb, on the aftermath of North Korea's nuclear weapons test, overlooked the significance of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the only binding, multilateral commitment to the goal of disarmament by nuclear-weapons states.

What is the verb in this sentence? It's a very confusing to me...

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  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Coreano

  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Coreano
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When outlaws get the bomb, on the aftermath of North Korea's nuclear weapons test, overlooked the significance of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the only binding, multilateral commitment to the goal of disarmament by nuclear-weapons states. 

What is the verb in this sentence? It's a very confusing to me...
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