Atualizado em
29 jun 2020

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  • Inglês (EUA)
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Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Qual é a diferença entre She says she never sings and dances in public, but back in high school she did sing and dance in the school e She says she never sing sand dances in public, but back in high school she did sing and did dance in the school ?Podes indicar apenas respostas exemplo.

if you want to emphasis not only "sing" but also "dance", which one is the correct sentence?
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  • Português (Brasil)
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Qual é a diferença entre She says she never sings and dances in public, but back in high school she did sing and dance in the school e She says she never sing sand dances in public, but back in high school she did sing and did dance in the school ?
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