Atualizado em
22 nov 2014

  • Inglês (EUA)
  • Japonês
Pergunta sobre Japonês

A) あいて
B) あけて

正しい回答は A らしい。 それはどうしてですか? あけて と あいて はなんの違いがありますか?

Is it because wind is a naturally occurring phenomena, and as such is not considered as an actor which opened the window? As such, あく is used instead?

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  • Japonês

  • Inglês (EUA)
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A) あいて
B) あけて

正しい回答は A らしい。 それはどうしてですか? あけて と あいて はなんの違いがありますか?

Is it because wind is a naturally occurring phenomena, and as such is not considered as an actor which opened the window? As such, あく is used instead?
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