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7 ago 2019

  • Castelhano (México)
  • Inglês (EUA)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Hi guys, can you please help me correct this text? Thank you

74. How much do people respect authority nowadays? * Different societies * Changing times * Influences.

Generally speaking, I would say that nowadays people feel less respect for authority for a plethora of reasons.
First and foremost, I would like to mention changing times. An example that springs to my mind is teachers. It stands to reason that years ago students looked up to their teachers and it never crossed their minds to be disrespectful with them. This situation has changed considerably as time gones by. Seldom do we see that teenagers obey completely the orders of the teachers. What is more, on many occasions, they disrespect their teachers with the aim of gaining popularity amongst their peers. The ways of aggression can range from not obeying the orders to physical aggression.
As far as parents are concerned, there is no denying the fact that due to the need of looking for the livelihood of the family, both parents have to work. This can have a counterproductive effect in children's psychological development, inasmuch as sometimes they are devoid of attention. What would happen is that children could reluctant to follow the orders of their parents and blame them on bad things that could happen to them. I do believe that disobeyence among children have become commonplace.
In regard to the police, I do believe that many criminals that carry out misdemeanors are not afraid of authority. The main reason for this is because more often than not they are not given the proper chastisement. This has caused that criminals continue their lives of crime without fair of being caught.
In a nutshell, I would say that there is no doubt that as time has gone, more and more people disrespect authorities. Thus, I deem that it is of paramount importance that since an early age children are taught about values and how imperative is to respect the authority to live in harmony.

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  • Inglês (EUA)
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Hi guys, can you please help me correct this text? Thank you

74. How much do people respect authority nowadays? * Different societies * Changing times * Influences.

Generally speaking, I would say that nowadays people feel less respect for authority for a plethora of reasons.
First and foremost, I would like to mention changing times. An example that springs to my mind is teachers. It stands to reason that years ago students looked up to their teachers and it never crossed their minds to be disrespectful with them. This situation has changed considerably as time gones by. Seldom do we see that teenagers obey completely the orders of the teachers. What is more, on many occasions, they disrespect their teachers with the aim of gaining popularity amongst their peers. The ways of aggression can range from not obeying the orders to physical aggression.
As far as parents are concerned, there is no denying the fact that due to the need of looking for the livelihood of the family, both parents have to work. This can have a counterproductive effect in children's psychological development, inasmuch as sometimes they are devoid of attention. What would happen is that children could reluctant to follow the orders of their parents and blame them on bad things that could happen to them. I do believe that disobeyence among children have become commonplace. 
In regard to the police, I do believe that many criminals that carry out misdemeanors are not afraid of authority. The main reason for this is because more often than not they are not given the proper chastisement. This has caused that criminals continue their lives of crime without fair of being caught.
In a nutshell, I would say that there is no doubt that as time has gone, more and more people disrespect authorities. Thus, I deem that it is of paramount importance that since an early age children are taught about values and how imperative is to respect the authority to live in harmony.
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