Atualizado em
9 jun 2019

  • Coreano
  • Inglês (EUA)
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)

Original Sentence : We believe it to be valuable in our lives.
other sentences derived from the original one :
1) What we believe to be valuable in our lives.
2) What do we believe to be valuable in our lives?
Are these sentences all correct? Grammatically & Meaning of it.
I teach English and i want to check if these are all correct before i teach this to my students.

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  • Inglês (EUA)

  • Coreano

  • Inglês (EUA)
[Notícias] Ei você! Aquele que está aprendendo um idioma!

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Original Sentence : We believe it to be valuable in our lives. 
other sentences derived from the original one : 
1) What we believe to be valuable in our lives.
2) What do we believe to be valuable in our lives?
Are these sentences all correct? Grammatically & Meaning of it. 
I teach English and i want to check if these are all correct before i teach this to my students.
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