Atualizado em
16 set 2018

  • Italiano
  • Inglês (RU)
  • Castelhano (Espanha)
  • Japonês
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Captain Smollett was sure they would have won so he gave everyone a task in that hour. When it was time,one of them shot and the fight started. The captain was hurt but they won,and the nine remaining pirates ran away. The captain had to rest. The doctor went to see Gunn,with the map in the pocket. Jim decided to leave without telling anyone. He found the white rock where Gunn said he had hidden his boat when the sun was already gone down and entered in. Then he decided he would have cut the ropes of the Hispaniola from her anchor so the pirates couldn't leave the island no more. He used the boat to do that but that headed towards the open sea as the Hispaniola did. soa natural?

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