Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tragedy"

Synonyms of "Tragedy" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre tragedy e catastrophe e disaster e crisis e accident ?
A: tragedy:
A tragedy can either refer to a play depicting tragic events (typically the downfall of the protagonist), or to an event resulting in human suffering or loss of life. It is very common to see events where these deaths are the result of human action to be called tragedies (bombings, shootings, etc).

This is mainly used in reference to natural disasters, such as large earthquakes, fires, etc. In reference to these events, you also often hear the phrase "the damage was catastrophic."

Disaster has a very similar meaning to catastrophe, but is a bit less severe. In daily conversation, situations which have gone incredibly poorly can be described as disastrous.
Ex. "That interview was a complete disaster. I couldn't answer a single question properly"

This is generally used to talk about moments with extreme amounts of stress, difficulty, or danger. If something goes wrong during a crisis, it is likely that there will be severe, lasting repercussions. When talking about people, someone who is on the verge of a breakdown might be described as "going through a bit of crisis."
Ex. 2008 financial crisis, Cuban missile crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of a public health crisis

In its broadest sense an accident is just something that happened that wasn't intentional. However, it can also be used to more specifically refer to incidents where people are unintentionally hurt or killed.
Ex. car accident, boating accident, workplace accident

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