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Q: 1. If you tally up the win/lose/draw stats for US overseas engagements since the end of WWII, this is not the record of a winner, but rather of someone that is declining to "also ran" status. Wars are the ultimate reality check in determining the relative power of nations, and by this score the US is not nearly as powerful as it thinks it is. It is not just that we are declining in relative and absolute terms, there also needs to be a decline in how we (and especially our leaders) think about ourselves.

2. "The great diplomat Lord Salisbury issued a gloomy rumination that captured at once both the inevitability of decline and the denial of it. "Whatever happens will be for the worse," he declared. "Therefore it is our interest that as little should happen as possible." If it is becoming ever more questionable whether or not the US is still powerful or is in decline, then there is nothing like venturing into an unnecessary war and not winning it to remove all doubt.

For 1,
A: what's that "also ran"?
B: Does reality check there mean wars prove something?

For 2,
A: How can a rumination be issued?
B: "If it is becoming ever more questionable whether or not the US is still powerful or is in decline, then there is nothing like venturing into an unnecessary war and not winning it to remove all doubt." Does it mean that the US did got into an unnecesary war and did not win it, which makes it clear that it is in decline?

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