Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Syntax"

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Q: Can you help me correct spelling and syntax for the following paragraph????? 😭😭😭
The environment has a huge influence on our life. Currently, the environment is seriously polluted by many causes. Firstly, the atmosphere is being contaminated by adding pollutants to the air such as smoke from the traffic and chemical fumes from chimneys of factories of industrial area. Secondly, people cutdown trees in the forests. It is threatened to the lost of forests lead to be in danger of extinction rare animals. Thirdly, human use explosiveness and electricity to catch fish which make water contaminated. Besides, due to the consciousness of people and businesses are also poorly. Last but not least, the management of the state’s many shortcomings, the legal system on the protection of the environment has many holes. In short, environment is polluted by many reasons, so we need to protect it

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