Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Selfies"

Synonyms of "Selfies" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre taking selfies over here e taking selfies in here ?

"Here" is a place that is close to you.

"Over here" means 1. to indicate a particular position or place a short distance away from someone or something, but within eye sight. 2. near you, or the place you are in

"In here" means an area within an enclosed space

"taking selfies over here" means you are taking a picture in a place nearby, or in the place you are.

Here's some examples:

Let's take selfies over here (a place near you).

If you come over here (to the place where the speaker is located) we can go to the lake and take selfies.

There are a lot of trees over here (a place near the speaker or a short distance away).

Do you want to come over here (the place the speaker is located) for dinner tomorrow?

The restaurants over here (a place near the speaker or nearby) serve Italian food.

Come over here (the place the speaker is located) and look at this map.

"taking selfies in here" means you are taking a picture within an enclosed space, such as a library, a car, your bedroom, a closet, a box...

Here are some examples:

Let's go in here until the rain stops. (You are entering an enclosed space to wait for the rain to stop.)

I saw her go in here.

I found him hiding in here.

The books are in here.

We hid his gifts in here.


"Over here" and "in here" are known as phrasal verbs in English. They can't be translated literally so they need to be learned by definitions and examples.

A phrasal verb is made up of two (sometimes three) words to create one verb. They usually (but not always) consist of a verb and a preposition.

Phrasal verbs can be confusing. English language learners and native speakers often struggle to understand them.

It's easy to get frustrated in the early stages of learning when you find yourself struggling to understand difficult concepts. It's ok if you don't understand something. Keep going, and I promise there will be a day when you will be the one explaining phrasal verbs to someone just beginning to learn English.

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