Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Probability"

Synonyms of "Probability" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre probability e possibility ?
A: I think the key difference is that probability feels more like it is rooted in maths or reality.

For example

"The probability of you guessing the right answer is 50%"
"There is a high probability that she will win"
"The probability of this project succeeding are very high"

It's a more technical sounding word.

Possibility is more abstract or speculative sounding. For example:

"There is a possibility he is still alive"
"I think there is still a possibility that she could be lying"
"The possibilities are endless"

Probability also sounds like the thing you are talking about is more likely to happen, while possibility sounds like it is slightly less likely to happen.

"There is a probability she is lying" vs "there is a possibility she is lying".

The first sentence sounds a bit stronger, like you are more sure the person is lying. If you look at the root words, probable and possible, you'll see probable means that there is a high chance of something happening or being true while possible means that something can happen or be true - but it's not clear how likely that situation is.

The difference seems subtle - sometimes they can be used interchnagabley but most times in casual spoken English one will sound more natural than the other. I think more example sentences will help!

"You know there is a possibility he could visit" vs "You know there is a probability he will visit"

"I think we can possibly finish this before dinner" vs "I think there's a high probability we can finish this before dinner"

"There is a possibility that the meeting may be cancelled" vs "There is a a high probability the meeting will be cancelled"

"I think it is highly possible!" vs "I think it is highly probable!"

Hope that helps!

Translations of "Probability"

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