Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Legit"

Synonyms of "Legit" and their differences

Translations of "Legit"

Q: Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? what is legit i want to know other internet slangs
A: Legit = legitimate. In slang it means “cool”. But I don’t here this word used like that often. It can also mean like “actually” or “literally” 진짜로.
Other slang
- No homo = when two guys do something that’s kind of gay, they say “no homo” so it won’t be gay...? It’s funny.
Example: Two guy friends accidentally kiss (?) or something and they will say “no homo”.
- Pause. This can be said after you have said something that might be seen as sexual or inappropriate.
A: Man these nuts taste so good....pause.
(Nuts can mean the balls under a mans dick)
- “High key” and “low key”. These are used when a person is trying to express their opinion on something.
High key = Something obvious or a popular opinion or very much so/really.
I highkey hate pop music = I REALLY hate pop music, actually.
She’s high key gorgeous = She’s super super beautiful. So beautiful. It’s obvious how beautiful she is.

Lowkey is the opposite of high key. It means something is not obvious or an unpopular opinion or is kind of/actually.
I lowkey hate pop music = I actually don’t like pop music. I kind of hate pop music, actually. (See the difference between high key and lowkey?)
I lowkey love this movie = People May not like this movie, but I actually kind of love it.
She’s lowkey ugly = People think she’s pretty, but i think she’s ugly
- Salty = grumpy or rude. Example:
She’s salty cause he hasn’t been responding to her messages.
- Extra = overdramatic, over the top. It is a negative term used to describe a person. (But some people use it positively)
- As fuck (online it is “AF”) - this means “very much” or “really”. Examples:
You’re stupid as fuck = You’re really stupid
I’m lowkey tired af = I’m actually really tired.
-“DMs”. DM stands for ‘direct message’ (like Kakao or Snapchat).
- Smash/Fuck = have sex with someone.
A: (shows image of a hot girl)
B: I’d smash.
- WTF/TF= What the fuck/The fuck. It is just an exaggeration of “what” (just think of “the fuck”/“what the fuck” as “what)
It is used in real life too.
What tf is that?? = WHAT IS THAT??
- Lol = laughing out loud. Lmao = laughing my ass off. Lmfao = laughing my fucking as off. They all mean ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- WTH = What the hell = Wtf

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