Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Junghwan"

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Q: junghwan, you’re officially seventeen this year and you’ve grown up very well.

met you two years ago is the best thing that happened in my life. i’m so thankful that god sent you to this wonderful world.

you are so precious to me, just like your smile that never fails to brighten up my days, just like your laugh that never fails to make me happy.

thank you for always working hard, eventhough it struggles you a lot. you’re amazing, and words can’t ever be enough to express how much i love and proud of you.

you deserve all the good things in this universe. you’re loved by many people and i hope your days will always filled by happiness.

don’t forget to smile,
eat lot of foods and enjoy your special day.

once again, happy birthday.
i love you endlessly. soa natural?

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