Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Intro"

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Q: This is an intro for a speech. Please correct any mistakes and tell me if it sounds okay. I would also appreciate some alternative ideas for the last sentence ^^

Imagine our world free of hunger. Imagine our world free of famine, of people dying of starvation and thirst. Imagine a tomorrow that we could only ever dream of, imagine reacging a goal that appears to be so unachievable that most people have given up on the thought.
Now, what if I told you that this age-old dream of ours was not just a dream, not something delusional or unachievable?
What if this goal of ours is right in front of us within our reach?
Ladies and gentlemen, I am xxx and I am here today to talk about agricultural biotechnology and a corporation that is keeping us all from making progress towards this dream of ours.

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