Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Esay"

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Q: Can you review my esay please it is good or wrong tell me please.

It is time to get back to classes, routine starts again then you need to know about useful study tips for do your studies more easier and be the best in the classroom.
Firstly, about the environment it is one of the most important things at the time when you want to get some new knowledge, it must be a comfortable place that should have the nexts characteristics good lighting,without noises and a chair it is not be very comfortable because you can get sleep and it neither should be incomfortable because you need focus on your topic that you are studying.
Second, food plays an important role at the moment when you are studying.Did you know? eating chocolate helps you hold back the information easily .Another reason to improve when you study is take short breaks in other words you must not stay in the same place for many hours change your sitting positions frequently becuase it become monotonus, avoid keeping your eyes to much close at your book ot will lead you to fall asleep More importantly than the others is take notes while you read it will give some physical work to your body and keep your brain afresh, read loud as you can bu be careful not trouble the people that are around you.
To sum up unless you carry out those study tips beside you make an huge effort you are going to learn properly and be a succesful person .It is checked the brain takes thirty days in order to get a new habit.

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