Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Equivalent"

The meaning of "Equivalent" in various phrases and sentences

Synonyms of "Equivalent" and their differences

Translations of "Equivalent"

Q: Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What is the closest equivalent for the Russian lexical gap "интеллигенция/ интеллигент"?
A: Well, after researching this word, it does indeed appear to be a hard one to translate into English. If I am correct, then интеллигенция means either 1: "those in society who have jobs that require significant brainpower and requires them to be highly intelligent, and highly educated such as doctors, scientists and writers". or 2: "simply those in society who are highly intelligent and well educated, regardless of if they have a job or not." Either way, this kind of sounds like it is a "class system" like how we have the working class, middle class, and upper class. But instead of the class being based on money and power, it is a class based on intelligence. Is this accurate? if so, what are the other classes called for the less intelligent people? If this is accurate, then the closest I can think of is "white collar." This term refers to those who work in a "professional environment", as opposed to "blue collar," which is those who work manual labour jobs. But white collar refers to those jobs that would usually require you to wear a suit (hence white collar) such as businessmen, financial advisors, attorneys, salespeople etc and more so implies that they would be higher paid than a blue collar worker so it's to do with money really and not intelligence. "Upper class" is kind of close, but again, it is to do with money and power (and status) more than intelligence, although on average, members of the upper class will be significantly more educated than the rest of us.

It appears there really is no word even close to expressing the idea that интеллигенция does. Maybe we could describe it in a sentence. "Those in society with the most mentally challenging/demanding jobs" if my first definition was correct. Or "the most highly intellectual stratum of society" if the second definition is more fitting.

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