Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cardinal"

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Q: Can cardinal numbers have definite articles before them? For example:
1, I like the four seasons.
2, The 2 persons are swimming there.

By the way, in the English book of our primary school’s, it has “the four seasons”. I am not sure if it is correct or not. Could you please help me?

Thank you!
A: Yes, we can use "the" before cardinal numbers! "The four seasons," is correct.

By the way, it should be, "The two people are swimming there."

We only add "the" if we are talking about something specific that has either already been established in conversation or is common cultural knowledge. We all know that there are four - and only four - seasons, so we can say "the four" because it is a specific four that we are referring to.

In the next sentence, we can say, "The two people" if we already know we're talking about two specific people, not two people in general. Like in this dialogue for example:

A "I saw two people from my school just now."
B "Oh really, who?"
A "They're the two people swimming there."

In the first sentence, "I saw two people from my school just now," we can't say "the." It's incorrect to say, "I saw the two people from my school just now," because B doesn't know who we are talking about yet. It would be confusing for B if we say that. We can use "the" in the third sentence because now B knows we are talking about two specific people.

"The" defines things which are specific. We can only attach it to numbers if we have already established that there is only a specific number of something.

More examples:

1) "There are three secrets to beating this game. The three secrets are..."

2) "Please remember to complete these seven tasks before closing the store every day. The seven tasks are...

3) "The five things you should definitely bring with you on your next camping trip are..."

Number 3 might be confusing. It is correct though. In number 3 the speaker is establishing right away that there are five specific things you need to bring. It's still very specific, so it's okay.

I hope this helped! It is very confusing to learn when to use English "the," but keep reading and listening to English and you'll get a feel for it eventually!

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