Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Candy"

Translations of "Candy"

Q: Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? ガチャガチャ、ガシャポン、Candy vending machineなどでコインを入れて購入する行為を英語でなんと表現しますか?
A: 場合によって言い方はいろいろあります。

"To get candy (sodaなど) from a vending machine."

Ex. Can I get candy from the vending machine?

Ex. I got soda and a bag of chips from the vending machine.

"To buy from a vending machine."

Ex. You can buy fresh orange juice from this vending machine!

Ex. I tried to buy all of my groceries from a vending machine last week but failed.

-- Aさん: "Where did you get that ice cream?"
-- Bさん: "I bought it from the vending machine over there."

"To put in a coin"
"To put a coin in the coin slot."

Ex. I put in a coin, and the machine beeped, but then nothing happened! (故障した)

Ex. I put a coin in the coin slot but nothing happened.

Ex. The coin got stuck when I put it in the coin slot and now no one can use the machine. 😭.

"To play a gacha."

Ex. I want to play the new gacha on Line Play.
Ex. I win the same thing every time I play that gacha— what a scam!

! 私の妹がよく使うフレーズだけど"gacha"の意味を知らない人が多いかも。その場合、こう説明できます:
"A gacha is a (digital) vending machine that gives you random prices (in exchange for in-game currency or real cash.)"

物理的ガシャポンに関しては、貰える商品を"capsule toy(s)"と呼びます。

役に立ったら嬉しいです 🙂

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