Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Born"

The meaning of "Born" in various phrases and sentences

Q: O que significa Born Thy people to deliver
Born a child and yet a King
Born to reign in us forever
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring

It is lyrics.
The last one is hard to understand.
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring

"Bring" needs an object as it is a Transitive verb.?
A: It's an older way of speaking English but 'thy' used to be used to mean 'your'. Although the sentence structure has changed since then so to explain best I can, I'll add how we might say it now underneath the quote and explain:

"born your people to deliver"
born [to] deliver [your] people

Deliver towards somewhere or something, as the lyrics seem religious I'm assuming Heaven or greatness. They are saying the subject was born to bring something to their people.

"born a child and yet a king"
born [as] a child and yet [also as] a king

The subject was born as a child but also born as a king. This could be a literal king born into a monarchy or a metaphorical king who was born destined to rule over people.

Born to reign in us forever
Born to reign [over] us forever

I changed "in" to [over] implying that the king will rule over his people forever, although using "in" could have a different meaning. It could mean he is born to reign over his people not as a king would reign over a kingdom but how a religion would reign over its followers from the ideas they follow within their lives and minds.

"Now Thy gracious kingdom bring"
Now [bring] [your] gracious kingdom

I think this could also be [Now you bring your gracious kingdom]. It is saying that the subject now brings (or will bring) a kingdom that is gracious (kind and pleasant). Whatever they are ruling over they have (or will) make it a better place.

These lyrics can be confusing even to native English speakers so my translations are a bit rough and contextual but I hope this helps!

Let me know if you need me to clarify anything.

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