Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Armchair"

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Q: What does “a little armchair psychology” mean in this sentence?

Its chemical composition, along with a little armchair psychology, may explain why the plant had such different effects on the poor souls facing a trial by ordeal. A person who knew they were innocent might chew the bean quickly and swallow it with pride, ingesting a quick dose that would cause them to vomit before the bean could do more damage. A guilty party, dreading death, might take tiny, slow bites. Ironically, this attempt to prolong their own life would only hasten their death by delivering a gradual, well-digested dose of poison.

I feel confused for the meaning of "a little armchair psychology" in the above the sentence, so I rephrased the sentence like this :

"Its chemical composition, along with a little armchair psychology, may explain why the plant had such different effects on the poor souls facing a trial by ordeal."

= Based on its chemical composition and a little general psychology, we may know why the plant had such different effects on the poor souls facing a trial by ordeal.

I'm not sure what I think is right. Could you explain more easily what "a little armchair psychology" means in the sentence?

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