Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Ulysses"

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Q: Ulysses first came out in Paris 1922. The story of its publication is very interesting.
Serialization was begun in the American Little Review in 1918, but then was stopped because the novel was found obscene.
For the same reason it was turned down by the Hogarth Press, the publishing house owned by Leonard and Virginia Woolf.
Many years later, in England, Ulysses was banned for obscenity.
What has characterized this work was the stream of consciousness technique, in which the omniscient narrator disappeared to be replaced by the indirect or direct presentation of characters, through feelings and memories.
Stream of consciousness has became famous especially through the novels of James Joyce.
In Joyce’s Ulysses, ideas and images are put together and they are presented with no rational order.
Stream of Consciousness tries to reproduce the chaotic flow of thoughts in the human minde, which at times overlaps past present and future.

Joyce’s stream of consciousness technique is characterized by linguistic and psychological devices. soa natural?

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